Other, Poetry by Sarah

Autumn’s Reign

raindrops tumbling, round on round
glossy, lacquered
shining ground

leaves swirling, sailing wind
shedding trees
limb by limb

sweeping colours, Autumn’s day
continuing clouds
sky filled grey

sunlight slipping

– rainbow

slipping sunlight

grey filled sky
clouds continuing
day Autumn’s, colours sweeping

limb by limb
trees shedding
wind sailing, swirling leaves

ground shining
lacquered, glossy
round on round, tumbling raindrops

By Sarah ©2024

W3 Prompt #106:
Wea’ve Written Weekly

A-Z Challenge, Challenges by Sarah

2024 A-Z Challenge – Reflection

As I began this year, so I will end… with a limerick!

Goodbye to my challenge corner.
Thank you for being a supporter!
This A-Z's done.
It's been such fun!
'Til next year... when they restore 'er!

I can’t believe how fast the month of April went. The days simply whizzed by and I was impressed (on the whole) with my planning and preparation for my posts each day.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the blogs I visited during the challenge, (and plan on getting to more on my road trip list soon!) It is always inspiring to see what others are up to and discover new blogs.

For anyone who missed it (or who wants to revisit 😆), I have collated a summary list of all posts for my 2024 A-Z Challenge, In The Corner.

Until next year, A-Z!

Free Verse, Poetry by Sarah


I paid full in cash.
Maybe a little rash.

Was it a step too far,
buying this car?

With crank to start,
an exhaust that farts.

And seats so low,
my knuckles show!

It guzzles fuel.
A V8; no fool.

Seatbelts are optional
when the speedometer’s questionable.

If I’m not being too maffick,
‘This vehicle’s a classic!’

By Sarah ©2024

Sammi Scribbles:
Weekend Writing Prompt, #362 – classic (57 words)

Scribblings by Sarah


Linda’s prompt for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “note.”

Well here goes… although this post will certainly not be of keynote standard, hopefully, it is noteworthy enough to keep you reading.

It must be noted, there are many definitions of the word, note:

  • to notice or observe with care
  • to record or preserve in writing
  • to make special mention of or remark on
  • a tone
  • a call
  • a sound
  • a characteristic feature (as of odor or flavor)
  • an observation of reputation

One of the most delightful meanings for me of course, is ‘note‘ as in the notes we write in our notebooks – whether they be real, imaginary (yes, I have my own mental notebook) or digital (e.g. this blog).

I acknowledge, that there is often no ‘hard cash’, no banknotes, involved in blogging (unless of course, you are unbelievably lucky and/or talented). But that’s ok with me. I am not in it for fame and fortune. A blog for me, denotes a safe place; somewhere I can dump my innermost thoughts and feelings… which I may or may not see through to ‘Publish.’ (And yes, the connotation in that is correct: I am not 100% comfortable sharing anything and EVERYTHING!)

It would be remiss of me not to give a shout-out to another of my favourite kind of notes – those of the tasting notes in alcohol and top/middle/base notes of the perfume variety. I am endlessly fascinated by the alchemy that goes into blending and brewing, wine, beer, gins and fragrances. It is amazing also, how individual tastes and body chemistry can skew these seemingly straightforward concepts and make them quite polarising. (and if you don’t know what I mean, think about that guy who drowns himself in aftershave, or the animated/slightly heated discussions held with friends about beer and wine!)

Anyway, let’s wrap this whole thing up, with a footnote (which as always, is one of my terrible jokes…)

A music note walked into a bar. The barman said, "Sorry, we can't serve you. You're A Minor."

Linda G. Hill:
Stream of Consciousness Saturday, 4 May

Poetry by Sarah, Ovi


Amidst the tors and peaceful scenes,
I search the path, for trail of green.
Alack! Is this just where I’ve been?
Turn I left, or turn I right?

The arrows to each other face.
A juxtaposition… dire straits!
No choice, but for my steps retrace.
Lucky, it’s a wonderful site!

By Sarah ©2024

Granite Tors Walking Track, Namadgi National Park*

Ronovan Writes:
Ovi Poetry Challenge, #46 – helpless

* The Granite Tors Walking Track is a steep walk through tall forest and granite boulders to views of the Orroral Valley from the former geodetic observatory.

A-Z Challenge, Challenges by Sarah

In The Corner – Zeroes and Ones

Z is for Zeroes and Ones

This fabulous final corner was found on a wall featuring a curious assortment of binary code.

This is perfectly fitting, since there are now ZERO days left in the challenge, ZERO posts to go, and just ONE more thought to finalise here before I press ‘Publish’.

I was curious about the meaning of the focal binary number in the image, ‘01100110.’

According to Binary Code.org it is:

This is a little disappointing, as I was hoping it would turn out to be ‘Z.’ But the magic of the universe did not oblige me on this occasion, and apparently Z is ‘01011010.’

Ah well, I still think it’s pretty amazing that any of this computer stuff is even possible, with nothing more than a combination of these two numbers…

There ONEce was a lonely digit,
who tended to roam and fidget.
Then ZERO came along,
making codes so strong.
Now AI seems to have no limit!

By Sarah ©2024

A-Z Challenge, Challenges by Sarah

In The Corner – Yours Truly

Y is for Yours Truly

In the immortal words of R.E.M., ‘That’s me in the corner.’

I was taking a photo of this (very cool) roof at a regional art gallery and didn’t realise I had captured yours truly in the top RHS corner.

Instead of indulging my immediate impulse to delete it, I thought, Y not? (Pardon the pun).

There once was a sky-imaged ceiling.
So celestial and very appealing.
I snapped a quick shot.
Myself, too got caught.
Oh to fly, what a glorious feeling!

By Sarah ©2024

Ovi, Poetry by Sarah

Seasoned Fool

summer shines her endless rays
lingering, extending days
how to idle, let’s count the ways
…no time to worry

autumn lets her tresses down
cascading colours all around
draping earth with patchwork gown
…no need to hurry

winter hugs her blanket tight
bunkered down, no care what might
rest awhile, let things be quiet
…no matter the flurry

spring bursts forth with her new bulbs
in full bloom she does behold
promises as yet untold
…but no one’s quarry

each one assures you they know best
yet time stands still at no behest
don’t for one moment be the guest
…of any seasons’ folly

By Sarah ©2024

Ronovan Writes:
Ovi Poetry Challenge, #45 – season

W3 Prompt #104:
Wea’ve Written Weekly