A-Z Challenge, Challenges by Sarah

In The Corner – Zeroes and Ones

Z is for Zeroes and Ones

This fabulous final corner was found on a wall featuring a curious assortment of binary code.

This is perfectly fitting, since there are now ZERO days left in the challenge, ZERO posts to go, and just ONE more thought to finalise here before I press ‘Publish’.

I was curious about the meaning of the focal binary number in the image, ‘01100110.’

According to Binary Code.org it is:

This is a little disappointing, as I was hoping it would turn out to be ‘Z.’ But the magic of the universe did not oblige me on this occasion, and apparently Z is ‘01011010.’

Ah well, I still think it’s pretty amazing that any of this computer stuff is even possible, with nothing more than a combination of these two numbers…

There ONEce was a lonely digit,
who tended to roam and fidget.
Then ZERO came along,
making codes so strong.
Now AI seems to have no limit!

By Sarah ©2024

14 thoughts on “In The Corner – Zeroes and Ones”

  1. I have you in my list to follow, but for some reason I haven’t been visiting you. I spent some time today looking around. Interesting choice of topic and such an unexpected ending.

    Congratulations on finishing.

    Liked by 1 person

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