A-Z Challenge, Challenges by Sarah

In The Corner – (X) Crossroads

X is for (X) Crossroads

Today’s corner required a little eXtra thinking outside the boX – so we are looking at the letter X as a cross.

This crossroad corner is in the centre of town in Beechworth, Victoria. As shown, to the North lies Yackandandah, Chiltern, and Wodonga. To the South, Wangaratta. And to the East, Stanley and Myrtleford.

What is interesting to me is that there is nothing in this crossroad sign pointing to the West… so does this mean that the street is a road to nowhere?

Not at all.

In fact, to the West lies Beechworth Historic Park (which in my opinion, is well worth the visit).

Gold was found near Beechworth in 1852, drawing a rush of miners to the area. Within five years, the fields were yielding so much gold that Melbourne received shipments of half a tonne every two weeks.

Today, you can explore Beechworth’s gold mining past by walking through Beechworth Historic Park. It offers a 12km network of tracks that wind through the Gorge with various points of interest like Spring and Reid’s Creeks, the Powder Magazine, and lakes Sambell and Kerferd.

The park’s arid environment sustains unique plant life including stringybarks, native Cypress Pines, and various wildflowers. You can also spot a range of Australian native animals too,

So don’t cross (X) the road to the west off your trip! Go with an ‘X marks the spot‘ instead and check out this little corner of the world… if you are ever in the area.

(And who can argue with the Pet Shop Boys?)

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