Scribblings by Sarah

Magic Moments

Linda’s prompt for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “photograph.”

This has tickled me this morning as I have, literally, just been sent a cracking photograph of myself from last night’s djembe gig with Hit ‘n’ Miss.

Let me give you some context. I had had a rough day: busy at school, a meeting with the aged care team for my mother, and a mad dash into the city complete with carpark crisis, all before I got there.

We were also up first on the Civic Square Stage for the 2024 Multicultural Festival, which is kind of a big deal for our little group.

Despite downing an energy drink beforehand, my brain was a little mushy (not ideal for the cognitive load that was about to hit). I had just muddled my way through my Moribayassa solo (mediocre by my usual standards) and was heading back to my spot for the ending when I realised I wasn’t going to make it! I was stuck, awkwardly, in no man’s land with my back to the audience.

So thinking quick, I flicked up my heel, turned my head to the crowd and shot them a cheesy grin, complete with wink… and held this pose as my “on-the-fly-finale.”

Once the rhythm was over, I cursed inwardly and scurried back into formation, chastising myself harshly for the incident.

And then I got this photo.

If I had not told you the above story, what would your thoughts about this picture be?

I know what it tells me. I see a girl, frozen in time, looking like she is having the best fun ever, playing her drum.

( …as opposed to the in-my-head ‘car crash’ that I assumed it was).

It got me thinking, how photography really is about providing perspective. It can select a viewpoint and weave a tale around it; hiding the facts to tell whatever story you want it to.

And because of this image, the actual narrative for me has now changed too. I see myself how the audience would have seen this play out; not as a mishap or mistake, but a joyful moment. All captured as part of the experience of being a performer.

And that really is magical…

As always, here’s a terrible joke to end with…

Q. What are people scared of photographers?

A. They can snap at any moment.

Linda G. Hill:
Stream of Consciousness Saturday, 17 February

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